Bite-sized growth: CATALYST after school

Learn how to think — really think — in weekly sessions designed to fit around busy schedules.


Students will learn to digest complex ideas, form their own views, and articulate them with conviction.

CATALYST after school is for busy families who can't commit to an intensive week-long holiday course.

"It was a fantastic opportunity for my son to broaden his horizons, think outside the box and learn new skills."

— Hani (parent, UK)

key details

Thursdays, 4.15-5.45pm


Ages 10-13


Course content

The course explores questions around the ethics of AI and technology — how has technological innovation reshaped society? What new challenges have these technologies created?

Students will finish with a capstone project that shows off their new skills and interests — perfect for school applications and interviews.

how to apply


Fill out a short online application form
(5 mins)

Have a friendly interview with a member of our team



Submit your payment and receive an induction pack detailing what to expect

Get confident with CATALYST